Each bodywork session begins with a postural and gait assessment. This provides the therapist with a roadmap of the underlying structural patterns that may be causing discomfort and lack of function. As a person places demands on the body, especially after injury and overuse, the body can produce inefficient body mechanics resulting in thickened and dehydrated fascial tissue which decreases in glide in one or more areas. This decreased glide can disrupt other whole body movements and can lead to overuse problems (pain) somewhere quite distant from the original dysfunctional area. Generally, the areas that first register pain are often in a state of “stretch-weakness” or “locked long” and indicate a complex web of imbalances. Other indicators that bodywork may be warranted include tingling or weakness in the extremities, headaches, and/or the inability to take a deep breath.
For this type of session it is requested that you bring a pair of shorts or fitted leggings and a sports bra or fitted camisole.